Friday, April 15, 2011

dreams- one chance

Most books have happily ever after endings. Most books just
wrap up the whole story making us happy, yet much easier for us to forget them.
Then there are those special ones that don’t end the way we want them to end. They
leave us fighting with the author about it, yet they leave us thinking.

In a book I read, called “Seventeenth summer” by Maureen Daly, Angie
falls in love with jack in the summer. She has to go to college in Chicago and
Jack has to go to Oklahoma by the end of summer.

Through the beginning of the book everything seemed great, but as it got
near the end of summer, I started thinking for and fighting with Angie. I wouldn’t
let her think about going to college and leaving Jack. I wanted her to leave everything
for her first love because it seemed as if she would have been happy for the rest
of her life with him.

Yet, before I read this book, I told my mother that no man will make me
give up college. That made her happy since she gave up college herself for my
father. She has lost an experience that she can no longer get, but she gives me
a chance to enjoy what she never did.

Angie too, promised her mother she would go to college. I think that’s
why she didn’t leave the idea. Also, maybe the love she felt was not strong enough.
It may have looked strong enough to me, yet it might have differed for her.

At first the ending made me angry for a whole week. I didn’t believe
Angie made the right choice. But, after thinking it over, I knew that she had not
made the wrong choice. She had made herself happy by going for her dreams. Dreams
that do not give a second chance and love always have second chances. She had
made her parents happy as well.

The books that end with no “happily ever after” can be more negative but actually
teach more about life. In life, we have to give up something for something
else. There’s always death and violence in between. And I believe it’s good for
teens to start learning that life won’t be easy. Life isn’t easy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

parents make mistakes too

I never thought we, the teenagers, would learn from our
parents mistakes. Not the mistakes they did in the past and tell us to not
follow, but the mistakes they are making now. In fact, it never occurred to me
that there will be a time when we will stop trying to be as beautiful, mature
and high spirited as our parents are.

In Ms.Robbins book club I read What I Saw And How I Lied by
Judy Blundell. Evie and her parents moved to Florida after her father returned
from World War 2. Evie meets Peter, who served for her father’s company in the
war, and falls for him.

Evie feels like her mother is the intruder in her
relationship with peter. But then she finds out that she herself was the

Evie’s mother did not just make a mistake that only affected
her and her marriage but it affected her daughter. Without knowing it, she was
hurting her daughter and I don’t think those were her intentions. She created a
problem on herself but made it everyone’s problem.

I guess that’s wrong with mistakes. They hurt not just you
but everyone around you. They are things that can be stopped with just a little
will and push, but ones we do them we have no control over them anymore. Because
ones we create the mistake we cannot go back and stop them from happening.

At first Evie wanted to be just as beautiful as her mother. Her
mother was perfect in Evie’s eyes. She tried everything. She tried to be
mature, wear nice dresses, and put on makeup. She tried to have a man and be
fun, but it got her nowhere. Instead she found out that her “seems as perfect”
mother was less beautiful than she could imagine.

My mother always tells me to not do the same mistakes she
did in the past. Like become pregnant in my teens, choosing not to go to
college even though I have the opportunity etc. I know she was not perfect back
then, but I never thought that she was not perfect now.  When I asked her what mistakes she has had in
the last year, she did not hide them. Instead, she told me straightforward that
she had done many mistakes in her friendships, job and even in her marriage.

I understood that we all are still like kids no matter how
old we are. All, parents and children’s, make mistakes everyday and learn from
them. I will still be making mistakes in 30 years but not the same ones. They
will be different because we learn from our mistakes.

Friday, March 11, 2011

mothers stop being mothers

Women become mothers the minute a tiny human cell forms
inside. Mothers become lovers the minute they love their baby. Lovers
become killers the second they sign the form to have their child unwind.

Most people in the book I’m reading, unwind by Neal Shusterman
believe that it’s alright to have their child unwind, killed painlessly and
given their body parts to people who need it just because the law says it’s alright.
The law states from ages of 13 and 18 you can have your child unwind and really
your child won’t be dead because his body parts will still be working.

But I say that not even parents have that much control over
us. They can bus us around, they can scream at us but they can never choose to
have us killed or unwind. We are our owners when it comes to life and death.

And are we truly alive when our body parts are still working?
I believe that all people have a soul.  “It
is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a

It is us. The true us inside the body, the only thing no one
can reach, no one can kill. The one that is alive forever. But dead in the
world when it is separated from the body.

I believe we are really a soul taking a body and using it
till it dies and rots, or when it is killed. And we cannot be alive without
that body.

What I don’t understand and don’t want to understand is why
mothers will have their child unwind. They have passed through 9 months of pregnancy,
13 or more years of care and still that’s not enough. If the kids such a problem,
like stealing or doing drugs mothers should reason with it. They could help the
child, because as grownups mothers know how it felt to be a teen. Mothers must
work hard and never give up. That’s why mothers are called mothers because they
care for us love us and will give up their own life for us.

They are the people who put us on track. Make sure we turn
out good adults. And most importantly love us. If mothers just unwind their kid
what will be he point of being called mothers.

I am thankful that my mother didn’t just have me to have me
unwind by age 13. I am thankful that she loves me and won’t ever choose to get
me killed. And I am thankful that she gives her own life for me.
So be thankful that your mother doesn’t want you unwind.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Romeo and juliet

Even though a lot people don’t focus on the setting
it’s still one of the most important in a book, even more important in a play
or movie. And it takes a lot of time to just find the right place. Because the
setting has to be many things at once. Somewhere there is a place just fit for
that story, like Verona is to Romeo and Juliet.

Somewhere there is a place that is both sexy and
hip. That fits with the play. That says “Oh yea, all of that could happen right

It will just look unrealistic and weird if the movie
was filmed in New York or anywhere in the United States since people are not openly
armed. In Mexico there are mostly poor people and few rich and violence occurred
all the time. It all goes with the story, making it realistic and attractive to

I believe that the setting has a lot to say for the
story. It could be meaningful chosen closely and carefully. Sometimes it
defines the story. Like a romantic restaurant, anything could happen there, it
defines love. It gives us a hint that there’s going to be a romantic moment and
two lovers.  Or a made up fantasy world, without
it there are no made up creatures ect.

And the setting alone could make the story more
attractive to people. I found Verona quite interesting since ill never been
there. It was special because I have never seen those buildings or beach. And I
have never seen the big statue of Jesus.

And maybe the big statue of Jesus was a part of the
plan. Since in the movie the statue was shown a lot especially when dead
happened. Maybe this was one of the reasons they picked Verona, for its
beautiful statue that makes it more interesting to the people.

The statue of Jesus had a big part in the movie. It made
me feel like it was the end of everything. It defined the story, since some
characters (Romeo, priest, ect) believed in it. And some when they ones die
they go to heaven with Jesus. It also defined the wedding. Since it was marriage
with love. And when marring through church you are marring through Jesus.

It meant everything to the story. Since Jesus
approves love, he loves us and wants us to love everyone. He’s there when were
alive. He’s there when were dead. He’s even there when we commit sins. He must
have been there to watch Romeo and Juliet’s wedding and love. He must have been
there when they both took their lives away for each other.

The setting has a meaning in a book or movie. It has
a statue or object that defines the whole story. It either defines love, death,
hate, rivalry or simply friendship.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love makes you do anything

There are only a few fantasy books that catch my eyes. One in
a million. And those who grab my attention are most likely romance too. Lips
was one of those books that caught my eye and made me read it. It’s one
of those books with romance (like) and goblins and curses (hate). Yet the romance
and the theme was all I needed to continue to finish the book.
One story was on a girl that was cursed with a spell, should
not speak or will kill the ones she loves. For love she stayed mute. For her
prince she stayed mute. She stayed mute. And even though when some people and
her guy tried to make her speak she didn’t speak. It would hurt them if she didn’t
speak, it will kill them if she does.  And
I love the way she cares more about her family and friends than using the gift
she was given, a beautiful voice. I love how she chose love. Love over the
curse, the devil.
Another girl longed for something better. Some love. And when
she got it, it will kill her.  Yet she doesn’t
care about her dying, she wants that love. She wants to feel love no matter the
cost of it. And then I think about true humans in our world, how some teenage
girls or women long for a man. No matter if he loves her or not. In her mind he
loves her. In his he is using her. And women do anything to get love. Anything.
It just proves that love can do anything. Either makes us
make the wrong decision or make us stay quiet for it.  I never thought about the wrong side of love. Just
the sweet love, kiss and a happily ever after. But I know this world is full of
wrong men or woman that are liars and use others for their own selfish reasons.
And when they tell you they love you, you try to convince yourself its true
because we long for that love that we never had.  A wrong love, but still love.
I just love learning about beautiful love and the love that
we should stay away from. And the title and cover of the books read love, love,
love, and more love all over it. The book called to me. Made me read it. And I’m
happy this was one of the few lucky books read by me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

my 3 mentors

My first mentor is titled “what if he hadn’t?” by Ben
 His post had questions that bought me more into it. And his first paragraph caught people by including them. Something that I should get better at, because in my posts I just talk about myself. And still he also wrote about himself. Us and him, great post. And I love how he put a certain question in my head, “what if he hadn’t?” made his own theory and I made my own too.
My second
mentor is titled “as if they have control”by Audrey Bachman
. This post if packed with so much personality and meaning, and hate. And I just love how the readers know how Audrey
is feeling. All that shame and hate is completely shown in this book. She does this with repetition. Some people don’t have the power of writing a good post that includes repition that just sounds like it on and on and never stops. But her repetition shows her rage and makes up the whole post.
My last
mentor is “fly away home” by Kai Junn Lathrop. poem is so true. Seems true.
And this true makes the reader love his post. And I love how Kai uses his ideas
and opinions on people who are living in poverty. It seems so true with the
story “fly away home” backing up his opinions. A post so true and voice. It’s a
deep post.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

As he comes to a stop
He watches the wonders
Small shiny rocks
With treasures inside
Rows and rows of trees
The fire breaks free
And up in the sky
Is a strong sun
Lighting and burning
Till can’t look no more
And up ahead it starts to explode
Magic spreads
And he as a bird
completes the beaty of this