Thursday, March 3, 2011

Romeo and juliet

Even though a lot people don’t focus on the setting
it’s still one of the most important in a book, even more important in a play
or movie. And it takes a lot of time to just find the right place. Because the
setting has to be many things at once. Somewhere there is a place just fit for
that story, like Verona is to Romeo and Juliet.

Somewhere there is a place that is both sexy and
hip. That fits with the play. That says “Oh yea, all of that could happen right

It will just look unrealistic and weird if the movie
was filmed in New York or anywhere in the United States since people are not openly
armed. In Mexico there are mostly poor people and few rich and violence occurred
all the time. It all goes with the story, making it realistic and attractive to

I believe that the setting has a lot to say for the
story. It could be meaningful chosen closely and carefully. Sometimes it
defines the story. Like a romantic restaurant, anything could happen there, it
defines love. It gives us a hint that there’s going to be a romantic moment and
two lovers.  Or a made up fantasy world, without
it there are no made up creatures ect.

And the setting alone could make the story more
attractive to people. I found Verona quite interesting since ill never been
there. It was special because I have never seen those buildings or beach. And I
have never seen the big statue of Jesus.

And maybe the big statue of Jesus was a part of the
plan. Since in the movie the statue was shown a lot especially when dead
happened. Maybe this was one of the reasons they picked Verona, for its
beautiful statue that makes it more interesting to the people.

The statue of Jesus had a big part in the movie. It made
me feel like it was the end of everything. It defined the story, since some
characters (Romeo, priest, ect) believed in it. And some when they ones die
they go to heaven with Jesus. It also defined the wedding. Since it was marriage
with love. And when marring through church you are marring through Jesus.

It meant everything to the story. Since Jesus
approves love, he loves us and wants us to love everyone. He’s there when were
alive. He’s there when were dead. He’s even there when we commit sins. He must
have been there to watch Romeo and Juliet’s wedding and love. He must have been
there when they both took their lives away for each other.

The setting has a meaning in a book or movie. It has
a statue or object that defines the whole story. It either defines love, death,
hate, rivalry or simply friendship.

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